
Treat everyday as a new adventure

Hugs and Thank You’s

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I got on the computer this morning and was surprised to see Zen honored me with a few blog awards! The Versatile Blogger Award, The Inspiring Blog Award, The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and The Kreativ Blogger Award! Not everyone likes to receive blog awards, but frankly I think it’s exciting! It’s like standing on that stage in the cafeteria when you are in elementary school and the teacher presents you with that certificate for achievement in spelling or math or just student of the month.

You grin at your parents who are sitting on those metal fold up chairs that the janitor set up and your parents are taking pictures and beaming with pride. Remember? Of course ten years later you’re looking through your mom’s junk drawer and pull out the roll of film she never developed 🙂

Yes, this is actually an old roll of my mom’s film. What’s on it? I have no idea. I’m    guessing this roll is probably 20 years old! So your guess is as good as mine!

Thank you Zen! And Congrats on your awards too! Stop by and visit Zen’s

 blog here.


Now for the rules!

List 7 things about yourself.

1. I’ve been accused of wearing rose colored glasses. Don’t know what that means? That means I always see everything as good. 🙂

2. I used to be a reader for the blind at an elementary school.

3. I used to be a manager for a rental car company.

4. I’m a carb-o-holic. Love pasta, cookies, cakes, etc.

5. My favorite holiday is Halloween.

6. My favorite season is autumn.

7. I have no favorite color!

2. Nominate bloggers worthy of these awards. You get all the awards… or as many as you want! I’m just going with five.






And I will leave you with this! Lean On Me by Bill Withers!



  1. Congrats Karen. I hadn’t thought about this in years but as part of my volunteer requirement for a class in college I read newspaper articles over the radio station for the blind. I haven’t thought about that in awhile. I wonder if those tapes still exist.


  2. Hi Sydney and Thank you. It was kind of sad working in the classroom with them. One little boy went blind because he had gotten an eye infection and his parents didn’t take him to the dr. Then there was a girl of about 11 and they new she would be blind in a few years so they were teaching her how to live once she lost her sight. She was totally blind by the time she started high school.


  3. I have your official THANK YOU on my blog http://emilyguido.com/2012/06/18/httpwp-mep2gagv-tl/ ! Humbly, Emily


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