
Treat everyday as a new adventure

Yay! It’s Friday!

And I’ve got News!

Well, I was hoping to say the first book in the “Chris’ Journey Turning Different Corners”  series was out, but..

But I still have news!

First; I just received an email from Damon Ferrell Marbut that “Awake In The Mad World” is now available at Apple, Nook, and Kindle! And the print version is also available through Amazon, but if you visit his blog  www.damonferrellmarbut.com and go to ORDER IT NOW, you can get a 20% discount! And I will be interviewing Damon here on my blog on August 15th!

Second; My Book Trailer for “The Good Dr. Grant” is here at “I Love Book Trailers”


If you have a book trailer you can submit yours here


Now on to other news;

I have been bombarded with some wonderful blog awards and I love it! So I need to take care of acknowledging the wonderful people who have nominated me so I can bombard some other wonderful blogs! I know I split up the blogs, but you all deserve all 3 of the awards! So I award all my nominees all three awards because they deserve them! Hugs!

 I’ve been awarded The Reader Appreciation award from John at http://lightningpen.wordpress.com If you’ve not already popped over there and checked out his blog, you ought to. Because it’s brilliant.

As with any award there are rules and these are they:

1. Include the award logo somewhere in your blog.
2. Answer the 9 questions below
3. Nominate 10 to 12 blogs you enjoy. Or you pick the number. I’m going with 5 for this award and 5 for the other award

4. Pay the love forward: Provide your nominee’s link in your post and comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been included and invited to participate. Done

5. Pay the love back with gratitude and a link to the blogger(s) who nominated you. Done






 Questions for me to answer. 

What is your favorite colour?

I don’t have a favorite color.

What’s your favorite animal?

Dog. I have 2 and they are spoiled.

 What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink?


Facebook or Twitter?

Both, but mainly twitter

What is your favorite pattern?

A favorite pattern? Hmm…Never thought about that

Favorite number?

3 or 5

Favorite day of the week?

Monday! I know I’m crazy…

Favorite flower?

This one is easy, it’s my logo I use. The purple Iris!

What is your passion?

Helping others

Now for the next award  I need to come up with seven things about myself that you don’t yet know, and then nominate a few blogs I have found inspiring, myself. Now I just have to remember who gave me this award… Hmm… I know!

It was the lovely and wonderful Emily Guido. Thank you so much Emily . I will be interviewing Emily  here on my blog August 25th!

Okay so here goes:

1. I love vanilla. Scents, candles, lotions, everything vanilla.

2. I love to eat, like to cook, and hate doing the dishes!

3. I have a desert tortoise.

4. I am a procrastinator and love waiting till the last minute.

5. I live in jeans and tank tops.

6. I think sexy is all in the attitude and not in what clothes you wear.

7. I’m a classic Aquarius and love reading my horoscopes.

And here’s my choice for the 5 blogs who inspire me




And Last but not least I received Sisterhood of The World Bloggers Award

 Ella Medler

Who has a great blog with a lot of helpful tips

and tricks for writers and authors!

And I’m going to leave you with that because now all my nominees have a lot of work to do!
Here’s Wishing you all a Wonderful Weekend!


  1. Hi, Karen, you’re most wonderfully welcome! No one has ever been more deserving as you light up our lives! If writing were a curse, let us all be damned and loving it! Thank you Karen for the great compliment! Have a great day of writing!


  2. THANK YOU Karen for the mention! I’m just tickled pink because of it! I love coming to your blog! You always have something good on it and it shows all your hard work! CONGRATS!!! Sincerely, Emily


    • Hi Emily and Thank you. I love your blog too cause you have all those Sweet! Pics of Tabbruis


      • Ohhhhh the sweetness is Tabbruis… You know I never saw this guy until AFTER I wrote the novels… When I saw his picture I was so shocked… HE IS THE EPITOME OF TABBRUIS to a tee! Thanks, Karen for the afternoon dreams 🙂 Emily


  3. WOW!! Thank you so much for the nominations! I am so humbled and elated!! 🙂 AND, congratulations on your nominations as well!! Good for you!! I will do my best to post tonight once my little guys are fast asleep…thank you again and have a fabulous Friday!!


  4. kbnelson

    Thanks so much for the nominations! So nice to hear from you, and thanks for sharing the love!


  5. Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I have warm fuzzies all over! I just finished drafting out a new blog post before I saw this, but I’ll try and do this post over the weekend. ❤


    • Hi Megan You have such a wonderful blog you deserve these! Here’s wishing you a great weekend!


  6. Thanks so much!


  7. Attached is a link to my blog post regarding your incredible blog award generosity 🙂 http://readingenvogue.wordpress.com/2012/07/06/awards/ Thank you again! Have a wonderful night!


  8. Thank you for all three awards. It means the world to me. My first ones and I feel legit now! LOL!


    • Hi Melanie Wow your first ones? I am honored that I got to be the one to give them to you. And you deserve all three. You have a remarkable blog that helps writers and authors alike.


  9. And yes you get all 3 awards! I know I love to confuse everyone :-))



  1. Blog Awards and Reminiscing « The Beginning of The End
  2. Awards! « Reading 'En Vogue'
  3. Awards! | Rhymes With Smash!

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