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How-To Writer’s Books

There are many “How to Write” books out there and quite a few people that I’ve talked to recommend Stephen King’s “Stephen King on Writing”

I enjoyed the book, but felt it was more of a memoir than a writer’s self help book.

One of my favorites is, “How to Write and Self- Publish Your First Novel” by Paul Dorset


Check out his blog here. Paul‘s a great guy and a wonderful friend to have. Not just for me, but for all writers.

Anyway, I picked up a few freebies today and I wanted to share them with you.

First, I picked up “Self-Publishing Steps to Successful Sales” by Seumas Gallacher And it’s FREE right now.

I received an email letting me know that Seumas is having a Goodreads event and of course I responded with a big yes!

While I was on Amazon picking up Seumas’s book, I came across a few other self help books for writers that were free also.

Now I’m not 16, 18, or even 21 (just a couple of years older than that 🙂 ) But when I was going to write my first sex scene, I had to google it. 🙂 I just didn’t know what goes where, well of course I know what goes where, I just didn’t know how to write about it.  (Uh, Mr. King, just a thought, your sex scene in 11/22/63 could have used a little help. Now you know I love you dearly and will always be a fan, but the next time you go to write a sex scene, shoot me an email and I’ll hook you up with the lovely Eden Baylee, her sex scenes are HOT!)

Okay well here is the next book I picked up 🙂

How to Write a Sex Scene: Write That Scene (Writer’s Cheat Sheet Book 4) FREE!

And then I grabbed this one; Indie Writer’s Monthly And this month’s issue is great for you Horror writers! FREE!

And last but not least: Great Writing Guide: 30 tips For Writing. FREE!

I haven’t read any of the ones I grabbed today, so I can’t give you my opinion on them yet, but they are free and if you are looking for some help with your writing, it can’t hurt to check them out!

Do you have a favorite writing book? Or have you written one? Share the links in the comments!

Always love to hear from you. Till then, HUGS!


  1. …hey, m’Lady Karen Einsel mentions me in the same post as Stephen King..a-hem.. what’s HE doing on there ?…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Seumas Gallacher and commented:
    ..hey, m’Lady Karen Einsel mentions me in the same post as Stephen King..a-hem.. what’s HE doing on there ?…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have read Stephen Kings’ book “On Writing.” I thought it was good motivational book, but it didn’t actually help me write. It helped me let go of some of my preconceived notions about writing and it was a good read. He let you look into his life and see what led him to write.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A lot of people mention the Stephen King one don’t they? I did a blog a while ago on my three favourites and a lot of people added their own faves in the comments. I would say his was mentioned most, though it’s not one of my original three. My post is here for those interested: http://songoftheseagod.wordpress.com/2013/05/04/how-to-write-books/


    • Hi Chris
      Thanks for stopping by. I left a comment on your blog. I think Stephen King’s is popular, because it’s by Stephen King! 🙂 But many of the how to books I’ve come across are written by authors like you and me and there are quite a few good ones out there, but I think it boils down to, What works for one doesn’t always work for others. We can learn and follow the basics, but we all have our own style of writing.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. One book I like is The 10% Solution by Ken Rand. It’s a short book and maybe more suited to a more advanced writer than a beginning writer, but it has a lot of practical tips for self-editing that I’ve found very useful.


  6. How to write a sex scene? I just reach back– way back- then then pick up a book, ha! There is a lot of help out there on how to write a book, but one must glean the good from the chaff. You have picked some good examples, Karen.

    Personally I got a great deal out of King’s book. Yes, here again one must glean the nuggets from the memoir, but I wasn’t looking for a step-by-step how-to book. Seumas, Eden and Paul are very good examples of stepping in the right direction. As always, I do enjoy your post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Dannie! Haha! Hoping you are picking up Eden’s books, cause she’s very good at those sex scenes. 🙂
      As for Stephen King’s book, maybe I need to reread it and read between the lines.


      • I’ve read all of Eden’s works. Not necessarily for the education, but I do enjoy a good story. She is quiet talented

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I appreciate the list of manuals. I’m always looking for more info on the craft, but I know for a fact I won’t be writing a sex scene any time soon. Too shy — nah-ha — just can’t do it. I admire your decision though. I’m sure you’ll do great. 🙂

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette


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