
Treat everyday as a new adventure

A Book Cover and an Interview!

I. D. Blind recently emailed me and asked if I was still doing the blog posts about book covers. I informed her I was finished with the book cover posts, but I’d be happy to share hers, if she’d grant me an interview!

So. Please welcome I.D. Blind! 

First her book Cover for:

“The Billion-Dollar Girl” book-cover-girl-small

I like the cover of this book very much, for it truly depicts the idea of the story: a coquette, wearing diamonds and jewelry, sitting on a bag of money, and being constantly photographed by the paparazzi.

The Billion-Dollar Girl: a tale of vanity and greed. A savage satire about vanity and modern socialites.
What happens when all you wish is fame, but you are untalented?
What happens when all you wish is money, but no one wants to hire you?
Discover the story about the socialites and their worshippers in this short novella, which makes fun of their decisions and choices, such as quick marriage and divorce, tabloid addiction, immense squandering, wastefulness, and the adulation that surrounds them.

And Now on to our interview!

Welcome I.D. We are so happy to have you join us. First question.

Many people don’t like the name they were given at birth. Do you like your given name? If not, what would you rather have been named?
Translated from Greek my name means peace, and as I’m a peaceful person, I absolutely love it 

Do you write under your given name or a pseudonym?
I have a pen name, I.D. Blind, which is an abbreviation of the first letters of my first and last names, and I also added Blind in honor of my favorite metal-band Blind Guardian.

Is there a routine you go through before you begin writing?
I outline everything I need to write that day, make a list of events and follow it. For me this is a productive way of writing and lets me fill 6-10 pages per day.
Also I do a lot of research when the story demands it.

Is there anyone you admire?
Anyone unprejudiced. Also the ones who don’t demand much for being happy.

What do you like to read?
Anything from the classics. And creepy, scary stories.

Do you have a favorite author?
Lots of favorites: M. Twain, Ch. Dickens, L. Tolstoy, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.D. Salinger and many, many more.

Does it have to be quiet when you write or do you like background noise? TV, music, etc.
Cannot write without music.

Beach or mountains?

What inspires you?
Celtic music. Beautiful poetry.

Favorite snack food?
I am such an eater, I will eat anything edible 

Doesn’t matter who we are, man, woman, child, all of us get freaked out by something. Spiders, mice, snakes, bugs, geese, etc. What freaks you out?
Fast moving cockroaches with long thin feelers (brrrr).

What is the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
Teacher at an orphanage. I quickly became a mom of many little kids.

I read on another blog, that a writer was working on 10 novels at once. Confusing! Do you work on one or multiple novels at a time?
Yep, I do. But I can work on one novel and a few short stories at once. Two novels at a time can be too confusing.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?


And last question…Do you have anything new coming out that you’d like to share with us?
Oh, yes, I do.
My first novella was a satire, though I never even thought I would write in that genre. In ten days I will publish my novel, The Witch Hollow and the Wrong Spell, a young adult adventure/fantasy/mystery full of my favorite poetry by Robert Burns and other great poets.
And at the end of the year I will also publish my collection of short horror stories.

Here are A few links.

“The Billion-Dollar Girl” Is available here  http://www.amazon.com/The-Billion-Dollar-Girl-ebook/dp/B009K5DV6Q

 I.D. Blind’s new blog: http://idblind.blogspot.com/

I.D. Blind at facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002673823150

Loved your answers.  Thank you for sharing with us. We always like to see what a new author is up to!

Thank you, too!


  1. That’s a really great cover, and I enjoyed reading the interview. 😀

    It’s also good to see you around, Karen!


    • Hi Zen! Yes, I have been taking some time off to write and get some things done around the house. Went to San Diego for Thanksgiving weekend. My youngest son and I went to the Barnes and Noble in Le Mesa on black Friday. That place is HUGE! Could have spent all day in there, but the dogs were waiting in the car. 😦 How have you been?


      • Well it sounds like you’ve been having a nice time! And that bookshop sounds great. Did you get a lot of books at least? I’ve been all right! Busy with work, and trying to make amends with writing since I hadn’t done much of it during NaNo, haha.


  2. Great interview, love the cover! I think you should have used I. B. Blind for a pen-name


  3. I.D. Blind

    Thanks for the interview, Karen.
    Love your blog 🙂


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