
Treat everyday as a new adventure

Judging a Book By Its Cover Summing it Up

Before I sum up my thoughts on “Judging a Book by its Cover” I have one last minute cover to share.

 “Take A Stand” written by Nancy Bandusky.

I came up with it because the hero has to decide to take a stand when Christianity is outlawed.

My husband, Brent, designed the cover. I wanted something simple that could have an element used in the following two books of the trilogy for a tie-in for all 3 books. The swords in the shape of a cross suggest the religious aspect of the book plus the “fight” involved. Also the sword is often used to mean “the word of God.”
And Thank you Nancy for sharing with us.


First, I want to thank everyone who participated and shared their covers, blurbs, and links.  And I also want to thank all of the people who shared their comments and likes and who reblogged the different posts in the series.

I had a blast doing my blog series, “Judging a Book by its Cover.” and I hope you did too!. I made some new friends and got some new insights and great links to book designers. Okay so here is what I learned from all of this and my thoughts on it.

  • Some readers will always choose a book by it’s cover. Your cover needs to be eye catching. Bright colors, interesting designs, photos, and illustrations.
  • Now that you have gotten their attention, your blurb should let people know what your book is about. 

My thoughts are this; The cover needs to represent your genre and to give the reader an idea of your story at first glance, but it also is a part of you and lets readers know your thoughts and feelings about your writing. No matter if you are writing your first book or your 50th, always let your enthusiasm show in your cover. Make it your own.

When you write your blurb, how much you tell them is your choice, but you want that blurb or description to hook them, pull them in, and make them want more.

  The bottom line is:  To me It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Write from your heart. Give your readers your best story every time. Make them laugh, make them cry, scare them, get them angry, or let them root for the good guy. Let your readers get lost in another world for awhile and forget about their own. It’s what we as writers do. It’s the reason we write. The cover is just the icing on the cake. The pretty wrapping paper that we tear off to get to the good stuff. 

And I still don’t judge a book by its cover, but I have snubbed my nose at one book because of it’s title and I’m ashamed of myself. In fact I finally read that book and loved it! Want to know what that book is? It is the first book in Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, “The Gunslinger” I’m a huge Stephen King fan, but I don’t read westerns, I now know, it’s not a western 🙂

Please, take the time to check out all the author’s books. Don’t just look at the cover. Read the description. Read the reviews. Utilize that “Click to look inside” feature, it’s there for a reason. Oh and even if you don’t pick up a copy, please click like and tweet! Share the love! 

I knew I missed one! “Accendo” Written by Emily Guido

“A Pitch For Justice” written by Harold Kasselman 

“This Side of Crazy.” is written by Kimmie Thomas 

”A Ripple In Time” written by Julia Hughes 

The Scrolls of Xavier written by John A. Ashley 

The Tube Riders written by Chris Ward 

Sirus Bandai-The Invisible Bandit written by Casey Sheridan 

Kadamba of Gentle Humilaith written by Mirti Venyon Reiyas 

“The Ninja Librarian” written by Rebecca M. Douglass 

“The Silk Code” written by Paul Levinson 

“The Fox and The Fawn “ written by Daniel Derasaugh 

“The Private Island” written by Rose Carter

 “Cops, Crooks, & Other Stories in 100 Words”  written by Mark S. Bacon 

“Wings of Steele” written by Jeff Burger

“Executive Severance” written by Robert K. Blechman 

“The Door on the Left” written by Vonda Norwood

“Khe” was written by Alexes Razevich 

“Shards of The Glass Slipper”  written by Roy A. Mauritsen 

“Kyle & Kelly” written by Karen Einsel  Just 99 cents through the end of the year.

“The Good Dr. Grant” written by Karen Einsel On sale for 99 cents till October 31st

“Chris’ Journey Turning Different Corners” Book 1 “Her Journey Begins” by Karen Einsel

Here are two designers that have caught my eye.

Melody Simmons’ site  http://ebookindiecovers.com/

 Patti Roberts site http://paradoxbooktrailerproductions.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/covers-for-sale.html

And Melody had shared a link on her blog for “Wizard of e-books” and there is a post about the fonts we use on our covers.


And I forgot to tell you, I also do interviews. If you’d like to be interviewed, let me know and I’ll send you the questions and I also welcome guest bloggers, so if you have a post you’d like to share (see rules here https://karensdifferentcorners.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/guest-bloggers/ )

Well that’s it.


Not quite. I will have a new cover of my own to reveal, maybe two, in the next couple of weeks and Stop by tomorrow for a new post. It’s a writing challenge. Are you up for a challenge? And I just found this great post about your blurbs http://catherineryanhoward.com/2012/10/05/the-11-ingredients-of-a-sizzling-book-description/


  1. Great series, Karen. I always say that I don’t judge a book by its cover, but have to admit that I’m human and am drawn to a certain look. The blurb is also another important draw, and you did a fine job of highlighting some of the ways readers are pulled in.


    • karensdifferentcorners

      Good morning Tim and thank you. I have books everywhere and can’t tell you what’s on the covers of any, well maybe one or two. I know there is a small boy on the cover of “A Child called it” or Ozzy is on the cover of his book, “Trust me, I’m Dr. Ozzy” But I can tell you different parts from books that I’ve read over 20 years ago.


  2. That really was a great series, Karen. Thank you for letting me be a part of it. I look forward to tomorrow’s post! 🙂


    • karensdifferentcorners

      Good morning Casey! It was fun. And hopefully a little informative 🙂 I have tomorrow’s post almost ready. So I will post it before I go to bed later tonight. Hope you are having a good day so far!


    • karensdifferentcorners

      OMGosh! It’s Tuesday, isn’t it? Actually I will post it in a couple of hours. I guess since I put this post up late, I lost track of my days again 🙂


  3. Hey, thanks for allowing me to participate! Some food for thought there, and I am definitely getting help with my new cover 🙂


    • Hi Rebecca!
      People who aren’t writers will say writing’s not work, but when a person starts writing, they find that there are so many different things to consider and writing is definitely work 🙂 I hope you day is going well today.


  4. Emily!!!! Why didn’t you tell me I missed adding yours? It’s there now, right at the top!
    If I failed to mention anyone else’s book cover that participated, let me know please. 🙂
    Happy Tuesday everyone!


  5. Thank you Karen for giving some time and space on your blog to highlight my book. well done!


    • Hi Roy and Thank you for sharing with all of us. Hope your Wednesday is wonderful 🙂


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